“I’m READY!” is Higher Impact Entertainment’s virtual Test Preparation Assembly Program designed specifically for young students preparing to take their State Test. This engaging and fun-filled program aims to empower students, relieve test-related stress, and encourage them to give their best effort. With an entertaining blend of motivational speaking, interactive games, lively music, comedic skits, and memorable illustrations, this assembly program ensures an enjoyable and effective learning experience for all participants.

The centerpiece of “I’m READY!” is the READY acrostic, which stands for Reach, Erase, Apply, Do Your Best, and You Can. Each letter represents a key aspect of successful test preparation and instills a sense of confidence and determination in the students:

Reach: Students are encouraged to set high goals and strive to outperform their previous achievements. The program emphasizes the importance of not just passing the test but excelling in it.

Erase: Positive thinking is highlighted, with students being encouraged to replace self-doubt with self-encouragement. They are reminded to support and uplift each other, creating a positive and nurturing test-taking environment. Whenever faced with challenging problems, they are taught relaxation techniques, calmness, and the power of deep breaths.

Apply: Essential test-taking strategies are reinforced, reminding students of the importance of regular studying and practice. The program emphasizes the benefits of consistent preparation throughout the year, including taking practice questions. Adequate rest and proper nutrition are also highlighted, emphasizing the need for a complete night’s sleep and a nutritious breakfast on the day of the test.

Do Your Best: The program emphasizes the value of giving 100% effort. Students are encouraged to understand that their best effort yields the best results. By emphasizing personal excellence, the program empowers students to strive for their highest potential.

You Can: Belief in oneself is paramount, and students are reminded that they have the ability to succeed. The program assures students that teachers and the entire school community are dedicated to their success. It serves as a rally cry of encouragement, reminding students that they know what to do and that everyone is proud of them.

By participating in the “I’m READY!” Test Preparation Assembly Program, students receive numerous benefits. They gain a sense of motivation, confidence, and readiness for their upcoming tests. The program helps alleviate stress and anxiety by creating a positive and supportive atmosphere. Through interactive elements, students actively engage with the material and retain key strategies more effectively. The memorable illustrations, comedic skits, and upbeat music make the learning experience enjoyable and entertaining, fostering a positive attitude towards test preparation.

Whether students are attending classes in person or engaging in remote distance learning, this 46-minute virtual assembly program provides an inclusive and engaging experience. “I’m READY!” ensures that students feel supported, empowered, and equipped with the necessary tools to excel in their tests, while reminding them that their bright futures are within their reach.


How does this work?

Your school will receive a private unlisted YouTube link that will allow your teachers to view the video at a time that best suits the needs of their students.


Why a pre-recorded show?

This allowed our team to add many different effects, transitions, games, skits, costumes, and creativity that will surely get your students pumped up, focused, and engaged. We wanted to make sure the quality of the value and content was consistent with our live in-person performances. Also, this helps to alleviate numerous technical issues that could arise during a virtual presentation. (Let’s face it, technology can get messy.)


Is it still interactive?

Yes!!! Our presentation is delivered in a way that will get students moving, grooving, and repeating the message back to the screen. Our speaker has constant call to actions through the entire program. The program was created specifically for the students to participate and repeat the talking points.


How long does it last?

The video presentation from start to finish is 46 minutes. This is including a brief intro/countdown and credits. We want to make sure everyone is settled, ready, and we’d hate for anyone to miss any of the excitement.


Can a teacher/admin/PTA representative pre-screen the performance?

Absolutely. We understand that a Virtual Experience is still new for many. We want to make sure you are comfortable with the quality of our service. We will send a private temporary link that can be viewed.

Higher Impact Entertainment provides Virtual Standardized Test Preparation Assembly Programs for schools located in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.